Senior Pastor Kevin J. Lavender, Sr.


Both Pastor Lavender and wife Maryann were born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. They and their families were active members of the Community Baptist Church in East Cleveland. Under this ministry, both accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, were married and commissioned into full time ministry.

Pastor Lavender received his Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Education from Carver Bible College in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1982. After graduation, he and his family returned to their home church in East Cleveland for a two-year internship under the leadership of Rev. Richard C. Mattox, where Pastor Lavender was licensed and ordained into the ministry.

In 1985, the Lavenders went to Camden, New Jersey as missionaries under Baptist Missions of North America, to plant a Bible believing, Bible teaching church. The Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church was founded, and Rev. Lavender served as its Pastor for eight years.

Pastor Lavender earned a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2008. He is currently working towards the Doctor in Ministry from Liberty.

In April 1993, Rev. Lavender accepted the call to be the Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, and was installed on May 16, 1993. He and Maryann have served God and the congregation of Bible Baptist Church faithfully for over 30 years.